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Zenfone model name details here

Zenfone model name details here.

Date 2019-06-20 22:22:21
Filesize 1.00 KB
Visits 3052
Downloads 1475

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How to check and distinguish the Zenfone model name?

Please refer to the methods below to check and distinguish the Zenfone model name:

Method 1: Check the model name from the sticker on the back of the gift box. 


Please refer to the table below for the correspondence between model name and model number.

Marketing Name Model no.    Model name
ZenFone 6 I01WD ZS630KL
ZenFone Max Shot A001D ZB634KL
ZenFone Max Plus (M2) A001D ZB634KL
ROG Phone Z01QD ZS600KL
ZenFone 5Z Z01RD ZS620KL
ZenFone 5Z Z01RD ZS621KL
ZenFone Max Pro (M2) X01B* ZB630KL
ZenFone Max (M2) X01A* ZB632KL
ZenFone 5 X00QD ZE620KL
ZenFone 5Q X017D* ZC600KL
ZenFone 5 Lite X017D* ZC600KL
ZenFone Live (L1) X00RD ZA550KL
ZenFone Lite (L1) X00RD ZA551KL
(India Only)
ZenFone Max (M1) X00PD ZB555KL
ZenFone Max Pro (M1) X00TD ZB601KL
ZenFone Max Plus (M1) Z018D* ZB570TL
ZenFone V A006 V520KL
ZenFone V Live A009 V500KL
ZenFone 4 Max X00HDA ZB520KL
ZenFone 4 Max X00HD* ZC520KL
ZenFone 4 Max X00ID* ZC554KL
ZenFone 4 Selfie Pro Z01MD* ZD552KL
ZenFone 4 Selfie X00LD ZD553KL
ZenFone Live
ZenFone 4 Selfie
ZenFone 4 Selfie Lite(Varies by country)


ZenFone 4 Pro Z01GD ZS551KL
ZenFone 4 Z01KD* ZE554KL
ZenFone AR A002A V570KL
ZenFone AR A002 ZS571KL
ZenFone Live A007* ZB501KL
ZenFone Go 6.9 L001 ZB690KG
Zenfone Go X00BD* ZB500KG
Zenfone Go X007D* ZB552KL
Zenfone Go X00AD* ZB500KL
Zenfone Go X009D* ZB450KL
ZenFone 3s Max X00GD* ZC521TL
ZenFone 3 Zoom Z01HDA* ZE553KL
ZenFone 3 Ultra A001 ZU680KL
ZenFone 3 Max X00DD* ZC553KL
ZenFone 3 Max X008D* ZC520TL
ZenFone 3 Laser Z01BD* ZC551KL
ZenFone 3 Deluxe 5.5   Z01FD ZS550KL
ZenFone 3 Deluxe Z016D* ZS570KL
ZenFone 3 Z012D* ZE552KL
ZenFone 3 Z017D* ZE520KL
ZenFone Zoom Z00XS ZX551ML
PadFone S T00N PF500KL
PadFone mini T00E PF400CG
PadFone mini 4.3 T00C A11
PadFone E T008 A68M
New PadFone Infinity T004 A86
PadFone Infinity T003 A80
PadFone Infinity Lite T003 A80C
ZenFone Selfie Z00UD ZD551KL
ZenFone2 Laser Z00MD ZE600KL
ZenFone2 Laser Z011D ZE601KL
ZenFone2 Laser Z00LD ZE550KL
ZenFone2 Laser Z00ED ZE500KL
ZenFone Go Z00VD ZC500TG
ZenFone C Z007 ZC451CG
ZenFone 2 Z00AD ZE551ML
ZenFone 2 Z008D ZE550ML
ZenFone 2 Z00D ZE500CL
ZenFone Z002 A601CG
ZenFone T00G A600CG
ZenFone T00P A500KL
ZenFone T00K A502CG
ZenFone T00J A501CG
ZenFone T00F A500CG
ZenFone T00Q A450CG
ZenFone T00I A400CG














































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